St.Mary the Virgin

 'Worshipping God, Growing in Faith, Serving the Community'

Tel: 01949 842859


Wild Worship


Wild Worship

“Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.”  I Corinthians 4:2

God calls us to care for His creation: our planet Earth, our home.  We can see every day, all around us and on the news, the many ways humanity fails to care: litter on the ground; intensive farming; climate change.  As Christians, we are invited by God, through His word the Bible, to think about how we contribute to this failure and so to the neglect and harms done to God’s creation.

But there is hope, through the many things we can do to better notice God’s presence in the world around us, and to fall in love again with the beauty of creation.  Because we tend to care for what we love!  

Wild Worship is a strand of worship at St Mary’s that explores our faith through the great outdoors.  We are blessed with living in the countryside, so we hold services and events that help us re-connect with God through creation.  

Examples of events include: participating in The RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch; sessions; community plant and produce swaps; wreath-making at Christmas.

St Mary’s Church already holds an Eco-Church award and we are currently working towards renewing this with new projects, for example installing compost bins and re-wilding part of the churchyard with wild flowers and fruit trees.

We publicise our Wild Worship services and events in our church newsletter “In Church Today”, the Village Voice, on Facebook and on this website.  If you would like to receive a weekly copy of “In Church Today” via email, please contact the Church Office on 01949 842859 or email:

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