St.Mary the Virgin

 'Worshipping God, Growing in Faith, Serving the Community'

Tel: 01949 842859


31st January 2021 - Candlemas

Morning Service for Candlemas lead by Cannon Judith Wells

Act of Remembrance 2020

The Act of Rememrance at St, Mary's Church on Sunday 8th November 2020 lead by Cannon Judith Wells

Harvest Festival 2020

Harvest Festival Service at St. Mary's lead by Cannon Judith Wells

Morning Service for 25th April 2021

Morning Worship for the 4th Sunday in Easter led by Graham & Kathie Lyndsell

Morning Worship - 21st Feb 2021

A Service of Morning Worship for the first Sunday in Lent led by Lisa Smith

Morning Worship - 21st March 2021

Morning Worship for Passion Sunday led by Lisa Smith

Morning Worship - 28th February 2021

Morning Worship for the Second Sunday in Lent led by Canon Judith Wells

Morning Worship - 2nd May 2021

Morning Worship for the 5th Sunday of Easter led Cannon Judith Wells

Morning Worship - 30th May 2021

Morning Worship for Trinity Sunday led by Cannon Judith Wells

Morning Worship - 7th February 2021

Morning Worship 7th February 2021 lead by Tricia Little